grinar till How I met your mother, grinar till reklamen om han som inte adressändrade
och inte fick börja på dansskolan och gör balettövningar vid fönsterbrädan...
som brudtärnor vid ett "dröm"-bröllop. Klippet tog två sekunder. Herregud.
Men nu är det Real housewives of whatever, så nu blir det definitivt ingen mer tårproduktion.
Klockan 16 har jag tvättat färdigt, nu är klockan kvart över tre.
Brunch, det kan man äta hur länge som helst va? Bra. Det gör jag, nämligen.
älskar din télåda!
I am so sorry! I wish I knew that. At least if it'll happen again I'll know that it's probably because of that :)
You're not the only one. I always hate drawing hands (and nose and mouth :D), it's probably the hardest part of body for me to draw.
But you made it in the end and it looks great :3
Oh this is bad but I am glad it's a little bit better now even if still not great. At least you let it rest a little during the summer. I hope it'll get back to what it used to be soon again.
I remembered that we had a little conversation about it so I had to ask how you feel now.
I just checked which one you meant. It was actually Andy Biersack the singer of Black Veil Brides but when you said Manson.. I have to say they are little bit similar. :)
I am currently working on redrawing the drawing of you from 2010. Hopefully I'll finish it soon - or at least before the school will start. But it's so hard when I can draw especially just after 1am. Why can't I just be able to draw during the day too? ._.
You maybe haven't taken any drawing classes but still you draw like somebody who is drawing all their life and took drawing classes :')
And thank you so much it means so much from somebody like you!
You too!
Hugs & Kisses
Alltså den där reklamen om han som missar samtalet från balettskolan är sadest EVER! Speciellt den här veckan, om man säger så. Grinar ögonen ur mig, ta mig tusan!