Wanna rock and roll all nite?

Liten "reklamfilm" inför showen i vår! Kom igen nu, välj en dag! 27:e / 28:e april, eller 5:e maj.
Köp biljetter, kom och se vår fantastiska rockshow! You wont regreeeet iiiiit! ♥

Såg ni mig? ^^ (video från 2009, på LILLA Joar, i år blir det feeeett mycket större!!!)

Postat av: Lajl

Jag såg dej, i vit blomma? Var det Miche oxå?

2012-02-14 @ 23:06:25
URL: http://lifeoflajl.blogg.se/
Postat av: Miko.TaMpEr

Uf! Jag är så glad! :3 Tack så mycket <3 Och varsågod. ^^ Jag såg precis videon.

And now I think I will have to start in English haha ^^

I saw that it's from this year, it reminded me a little bit of one older shows of Återsken, but it's awesome. And you looks great. Well as always :3

Godnatt (puss&kram)


2012-02-14 @ 23:13:32
URL: http://witchtaranee.blog.cz
Postat av: Miko.TaMpEr

God morgon till dig ♥

Oh damn. I thought it was from 2012, oops ^^' When I'll be home from school (I have to leave soon :) I will have to watch it again. I didn't saw him, but I looked at all (okay almost all) people in the video. Well I really have to watch it again and be (more) attentive.

2012-02-15 @ 07:49:22
URL: http://witchtaranee.blog.cz

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Tack tack ♥

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